David Domoney makes preparation for a Wimbledon garden party

Getting your garden ready for Wimbledon


We are halfway through June, the sun has been glorious throughout and the tennis players are warming up for Wimbledon, beginning Monday 3rd of July. Meanwhile, we’re busy preparing our gardens for our very own Wimbledon party. Why not get some strawberries growing, your lawn looking luscious, and your Pavestone patio pristine in time to celebrate the nation’s favourite tennis tournament?


Grow wild strawberries in the garden

Grow Your Own Pimms Extras

Wild strawberries have grown in Britain since the Ice Age, but the first garden strawberry was grown in France, during the late 18th Century. Now, strawberries are infamous for their annual role as Wimbledon’s iconic snack and bobbing about in a refreshing jug of Pimms. No Wimbledon party would be complete without this iconic duo.


Strawberries grown in the garden

The great news is, growing your own strawberries is super easy and fun to do! For this occasion, you'll want summer fruiting strawberries. These have the largest fruit and provide crops all summer long.


Perfect partners

Purchase a strawberry plant or bare root runner from a reliable garden centre, and plant them directly into the ground or container. Pick a fertile, sunny spot, with well-drained soil, and decent shelter. Water the soil directly to help the plant settle in. To encourage growth and fruiting, feed with a general fertiliser in early spring, and also add some liquid potash feed every week or two. It’s time to harvest when the fruits turn red. Simply pinch the stalk to release the strawberries.

I recommend harvesting your strawberries the day of your party, for the sweetest, freshest fruit, although they will keep well for a few days in the fridge.


Grow Mint in a pot in the garden

Handy mint

For your Pimms, plant some mint in a container nearby for easy pickings. Mint needs a sunny location and is best bought as a young plant in spring.


Mint and Strawberries can be grown in the garden in a pot

This will add a delicious kick to your Pimms and a subtle fragrance to your garden. Especially when planted alongside quintessential favourites, like lavender and roses. Chandos Beauty is always a winner for its form, growth, health and scent.


Lavender and Roses are great in the garden for their form, growth, health and scent.


Look after your garden lawn

Look after your lawn

Allegedly, Wimbledon’s Centre Court is the most expensive lawn to maintain in the world. It’s only fair, then, that you should get yours looking fit for the likes of Sir Andy Murray, and your garden party guests. Luckily, it won’t cost a fortune!


Looking after your garden lawn and watering regularly to keep it green and lush

The best thing you can do for your lawn this summer is simple: mow and water. Once June hits, your lawn will need a weekly, if not bi-weekly, trim. If you’re looking to curate the classic striped pattern, make sure your mowing blades are sharp, and cut the grass slightly higher. During dry spells, water your lawn using a sprinkler or a hose.


Be careful not to walk from your lawn, after applying the fertiliser, straight onto your patio. There are chemicals in the fertiliser that may stain your paving, however, if you do have any mishaps, these can be remedied with Pavestone Iron Stain Remover.

If your lawn starts to lose its colour, top it up with a splash of nitrogen-rich fertiliser. Be careful not to walk from your lawn, after applying the fertiliser, straight onto your patio. There are chemicals in the fertiliser that may stain your paving, however, if you do have any mishaps, these can be remedied with Pavestone Iron Stain Remover.


Party in the garden with built in cooking for delicious entertainment

Party-ready patios

Finally, you’re going to want a party-ready patio. A paving like Pavestone’s Calibra Porcelain is ideal for the occasion. With a smooth, yet non-slip surface, this is an extremely hard-wearing practical patio with all the beauty of naturally honed stone.


paving like Pavestone’s Calibra Porcelain is ideal for hosting a garden party

You can feel sure that there’ll be no trace of your guest’s high heels or tennis trainers once the party’s over. Plus, the paving’s ‘easier to clean’ qualities mean there’s no need to worry about the odd splash of Pimms or a squashed strawberry.


The Classic Porcelain shades of Chalkboard and Linen pair well against darker rattan furniture.

The classic shades of Chalkboard and Linen pair well against darker rattan furniture. Plus, why not add cushions of forest green and grape purple to evoke the classic Wimbledon colours, and add that bit of comfort you don't always get whilst watching the tennis? Even the uniform lines evoke the markings of the tennis courts themselves.


Topiary added to your patio borders will drive home a formal feel. Carve yew trees into sophisticated spirals and domes

Add topiary to your patio borders to drive home the formal feel. Carve yew trees into sophisticated spirals and domes.


Simple trimmed box balls make great features when planting a patio

Or, for a subtler look, include simple trimmed box balls. And if you really want to get into the Wimbledon spirit, why not plant some purple flowers as another homage to the official colours? Consider, for example, Alliums, with their tennis ball shaped blooms, fragrant Catmint, and velvety Clematis.


Patio planting consider Alliums, with their tennis ball-shaped blooms, fragrant Catmint, and velvety Clematis

And there you have it! The perfect setup for a Wimbledon themed party this June or July. Enjoy entertaining sports in the sun, with friends and family, as you sip on your homegrown Pimms, and snack on your strawberries.

Click on the pictures with the 'drone' image to fly through these beautiful gardens I've featured in this blog.

There are many more stunning videos of beautifully landscaped gardens using Pavestone landscaping and building materials featured on the Pavestone website for you to explore here.

David Domoney, TV gardener, horticultural expert and Pavestone brand ambassador blogs monthly on the Pavestone website on all things landscaping related. We look forward to seeing you back again next month.


Pavestone Brand Ambassador David Domoney