Tudor Antique

Tudor Antique

Tudor Antique Paving brings the timeless charm of age-worn flagstones to your home and garden, capturing the allure of centuries-old stone with a touch of luxury.

Each hand-crafted slab features softly rounded corners and a smooth, riven texture, blending seamlessly with traditional and heritage-inspired designs. Perfect for adding an authentic, established feel to classic gardens and historic properties, this paving embodies the elegance of the past with enduring quality.

Tudor Antique’s versatility extends indoors, where it becomes a warm, inviting floor that radiates heat beautifully when paired with under-floor heating.

Available in six stunning colorways with cut, fettled edges and a subtly tumbled, aged appearance, Tudor Antique transforms any space into a rich tapestry of history and sophistication.

Cloister Tudor Antique


Oxford Tudor Antique (Garden One)


Oxford Tudor Antique (Garden Two)


Deanery Tudor Antique


Cathedral Tudor Antique (Garden One)


Cathedral Tudor Antique (Garden Two)


Cambridge Tudor Antique



Pavestone Cloister Tudor Antique Sandstone Paving
Cloister (C)

Pavestone Tudor Antique Sandstone Paving
Oxford (C)

Pavestone Cathedral Tudor Antique Limestone Paving
Cathedral (C)

Pavestone Denby Tudor Antique Limestone Paving
Denby (C)

Pavestone Deanery Tudor Antique Limestone Paving
Deanery (C)

Pavestone Deanery Tudor Antique Limestone PavingCambridge (C)







Contractor Pack

900mm x 600mm (13 pavers)

600mm x 600mm (13 pavers)

600mm x 290mm (13 pavers)

290mm x 290mm (9 pavers)

48 paving tiles per pack

48 pieces (Pack) cover approximately 15.00m2 based on a typical jointing gap of 10-14mm.

Calibrated 22mm


*Tudor Oxford is also available as a 1200mm x 600mm single
  size flag.

    30 paving tiles per pallet

    1.4 paving tiles cover approximately 1.0m2

    30 paving tiles (1 pallet) cover approximately 21.9m2

    Thickness 25-40mm

*Tudor Cathedral is also available as a 900mm x 600mm single
  size flag.

    26 paving tiles per pallet

    1.8 paving tiles cover approximately 1.0m2

    26 paving tiles (1 pallet) cover approximately 14.2m2

    Thickness 22mm


Laying Comments

Alway lay natural stone on a full, wet mortar bed with no voids (air pockets).

For best results and to reduce possible salt staining from the base mortar on the face, we recommend that a Primer Slurry should be applied to the underside of the paving at the time of laying to improve the bond of the stone to the base mortar, which will increase the longevity of your patio.

Use a traditional sand cement pointing mortar to joint or Pavestone Pointfix Jointing Compound for a faster finish.

Tudor Antiqued Paving should be laid with the chamfered edge face down.

Before committing to purchase any natural stone product it is always recommended that you visit your stockist to check the colour and texture of your chosen paving.

Each of the colour swatches reproduced in this brochure demonstrate the overall hue of a paved area. The natural colour variation of individual paving flags will vary when viewed individually.


Keep your paving looking superb, year after year!


A range of scientifically advanced cleaning products that will clean and help maintain all types of natural stone, concrete and porcelain paving.


Pavestone Patio Cleaner


A heavy duty cleaner for removing stubborn ground in dirt and grime from patio and pathway paving.

Suitable for sandstone, limestone, travertine, slate, granite, marble, terracotta, brick, concrete and porcelain patio paving.

Available: 1ltr, 5ltr


Data Sheet Download  Technical Data Sheet Pavestone Patio Cleaner Application Guide  Application Guide
Pavestone Black Spot & Algae Remover


Removes black spot, lichen, moss and stains from natural stone, concrete and porcelain patio and pathway paving.

Suitable for sandstone, limestone, travertine, slate, granite, marble, terracotta, brick, concrete and porcelain patio paving.

Available: 5ltr


Download Data Sheet  Technical Data Sheet Pavestone Black Spot & Algae Remover Technical Data Sheet  Application Guide
Pavestone Driveway Cleaner



Removes engine oil, air-con fluids,  tyre marks and other vehicle stains and rubber deposits, in addition to removing vegetation staining from driveway concrete block paving and natural stone block paving.

Available: 5ltr


Download Data Sheet  Technical Data Sheet  


Image for Tudor Cloister
Tudor Cloister
Image for Tudor Cathedral
Tudor Cathedral
Image for Tudor Cloister
Image for Tudor Oxford
Tudor Oxford

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Image for Tudor Cambridge
Tudor Cambridge

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Image for Tudor Cloister
Tudor Cloister
Image for Tudor Cloister
Tudor Cloister
Image for Tudor Deanery
Tudor Deanery

Contact Us

To find out more about Tudor Antique, you can call us or email us.

01386 848 650 enquiries@pavestone.co.uk

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